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District of Voopmont and Icelesia
Voopmont Town Hall / district-policies
Deleted User 04-Sep-20 05:16 AM
Voopmont District Policy #1 July 28th, 2020 VOOPMONTIAN COUNCIL CREATION ACT Senator Coolio Effective Immediately Description: The Voopmontian Council will be a body of citizens from Voopmont that have the ability to create district policies that will be voted on by the coun...
Voopmont District Policy #2 July 27th, 2020 GOVERNOR POSITION ACT Senator Coolio Effective Immediately Description: This act will create the Governor position in the Voopmontian Government. Law: SEC. 1: Short Name VPT//002//GPA SEC. 2: Governor’s Job in Government The Gover...
Voopmont District Policy #3 26 July 2020 District Bill Tag Act Senator Coolio Effective immediately Description: An organisation of the referral tags of District Policies and Acts Short Title This Act may be cited as the District Bill Tag Act [VPT//003//DBTA]. Interpretation...
Voopmont District Policy #4 26 July 2020 Census Act Senator Coolio Effective immediately Description: Creation of a District Public Census Short Title This Act may be cited as the Census Act [VPT//004//CA]. Interpretation In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires ...
Voopmont District Policy #5 INSERT DATE OF PROPOSED POLICY HERE Education Act Senator Coolio Effective immediately Description: An Act relating to education and registration of schools Part I GENERAL Short Title This Act may be cited as the Education Act. Interpretation In t...
Deleted User 04-Sep-20 05:26 AM
Voopmont District Policy #6 July 27, 2020 Infrastructure Improvement Act Effective Immediately Description: Will improve the Infrastructure of Voopmont Part I GENERAL Short Title This Act may be cited as the Infrastructure Improvement Act [VPT//006//IIA]. Interpretations In ...
is typing 13-Sep-20 02:21 PM
Voopmont District Policy #7 September 12th,2020 Police Funding Act Council Member Big AOT Fan Effective: Progressive Description: To further fund the Police Force and to improve its coverage by building more detainment centers and Police stations in the district of Voopmont...
is typing 14-Sep-20 02:54 PM
Voopmont District Policy #8 August 13th, 2020 Business Loan Act Governor Comrade Chris Effective Immediately Description:It is mandatory for businesses to have 100k credits to be allowed on the stock market according to the MOF. So to encourage more businesses to be created ...
is typing 15-Sep-20 05:21 PM
Voopmont District Policy #9 September 13th, 2020 Welfare & Subsidies Act Council Member A Human Effective Immediately Description: This bill will provide welfare for the poor and to provide Subsidies for businesses. Law SEC. 1: Short Name VPT//009//W&SA SEC. 2: Department of...
Voopmont 9 - 14 - 2020 District Council Reformation Act Created By: Senator Taz TITLE I - District Council Reformation Act SECTION I - SHORT NAME DCRA SECTION II - INFORMATION Summary of this Policy: The DCRA will reform the District Council. It is not an amendment to t...
Taz | Coomslayer 17-Sep-20 07:37 PM
Voopmont 9 - 15 - 2020 District Bill Tag Act Amendment Created By: Senator Taz TITLE I - District Bill Tag Act Amendment SECTION I - SHORT NAME DBTAA SECTION II - INFORMATION Summary of this Policy: The District Bill Tag Act Amendment shall nullify the previous DBTA and...
Taz | Coomslayer 18-Sep-20 08:46 PM
Voopmont 9 - 16 - 2020 Governor Position Act Amendment Created By: Senator Taz TITLE I - Governor Position Act Amendment SECTION I - SHORT NAME GPAA SECTION II - INFORMATION Summary of this Policy: The GPAA does not nullify the entirety of the GPA. Only Secton IV is to ...
Taz | Coomslayer 21-Sep-20 07:51 PM
Voopmont 9 - 17 - 2020 Citizen Inclusion Act Created By: Senator Taz TITLE I - Citizen Initiative Act SECTION I - SHORT NAME CIA SECTION II - INFORMATION Summary of this Policy: The Citizen Inclusion Act enables Voopmont citizens to write Petitions for government change...
Voopmont 9 - 15 - 2020 District Council Reformation Act Amendment Created By: Senator Taz TITLE I - District Council Reformation Act Amendment SECTION I - SHORT NAME DCRAA SECTION II - INFORMATION Summary of this Policy: The DCRAA will NOT nullify the DCRA, but will ins...
Taz | Coomslayer 01-Oct-20 07:12 PM
Voopmont District Policy #13 29 SEPTEMBER 2020 Council Dissolution Act Senator Taz Effective (immediately, or specific date) Description: This act dissolves the Council and allows all Voopmontian residents the rights to vote and submit bills freely Short Title This Act may ...
Taz | Coomslayer 03-Oct-20 01:16 AM
Voopmont 10/1/2020 People’s Voting Act Created By: Synthion TITLE I - PEOPLE’S VOTING ACT SECTION I - SHORT NAME PVA SECTION II - INFORMATION Summary of this Policy: The People’s Voting Act will specify what exactly the people of Voopmont will be allowed to propose and...
Deleted User 03-Oct-20 01:16 AM
Taz | Coomslayer 29-Oct-20 11:30 PM
Voopmont October 26, 2020 Police Funding Act Revision Created By: Governor Taz TITLE I - Police Funding Act Revision SECTION I - SHORT NAME PFAR SECTION II - INFORMATION Summary of this Policy: Revamps the entirety of the Police Funding Act to ensure the Voopmont P.D. ...
Taz | Coomslayer 31-Oct-20 12:11 AM
Voopmont October 29, 2020 Doomslayer Recognition Act Created By: Governor Taz TITLE I - Doomslayer Definition Act SECTION I - SHORT NAME DDA SECTION II - INFORMATION Summary of this Policy: Defines the Voopmont Doomslayer as a tactic of counterterrorism and a defense s...
Deleted User 19-Nov-20 11:07 AM
Timezone Change Vote Change the Voopmont Timezone to -6. Landing Cove's timezone is -6, and we are right on top of it, so it makes sense for us to share their timezone. (edited)
Deleted User 20-Nov-20 11:00 AM
Voopmont November 16, 2020 Icelesia Autonomy Acts Created By: willywonkapants TITLE I - Icelesia Automnomy Act SECTION I - SHORT NAME IAA SECTION II - INFORMATION Summary of this Policy: Increases the amount of autonomy Icelesia has from Voopmont by establishing a designated head or r...
Deleted User 07-Dec-20 11:01 AM
Voopmont and Icelesia will not give the Lanatian Empire any resources.
synth 23-May-21 10:02 AM
Voopmont and Icelesia 05/10/2021 CONSTITUTION OF VOOPMONT Created By: The People’s Council TITLE I - THE CONSTITUTION OF VOOPMONT SECTION I - SHORT NAME VC SECTION II - INFORMATION Summary of this Policy: The Constitution of Voopmont aims to provide the citizens of Voopmont and Icele...
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synth 23-May-21 10:02 AM
Pinned a message.
synth 25-May-21 12:50 AM
@Citizen @deleted-role The Voopmont Constitution overwrites all previous bills that contradict it.
example: a bill says "kill people!" and the constitution says "no, dont"
the constitution overwrites that previous bill
droplt 02-Aug-21 11:04 PM
Create a new document and edit with others at the same time -- from your computer, phone or tablet. Get stuff done with or without an internet connection. Use Docs to edit Word files. Free from Google.
is typing 18-Aug-21 11:19 PM
Voopmont August 4, 2021 Icelesian Exit Act Created By: Est.Chicago TITLE I - Exit SECTION I - Timeline of Exit SECTION II - Terms and Conditions of Icelesias Exit Timeline of Exit The exit will begin immediately after the merging or removal of any district. To the sedation or p...
Voopmont District 15 August 2021 Preservation of Bills Senator Asdia All district bills, policies and motions that have passed and have not been repealed before 15 August 2021 shall remain to be part of Voopmont law. END OF DOCUMENT
Voopmont August 2, 2021 Icelesian-Voopmont Compromise Created By: Judge Red_Kaiser TITLE I - Icelesian-Voopmont Compromise SECTION I - SHORT NAME IVC SECTION II - INFORMATION Summary of this Policy: Allows Icelesia to remain autonomous but foreign and trade affairs are regulated by Voo...
is typing 22-Aug-21 03:54 PM
Voopmont District 19 August 2021 Jail Act Senator Asdia0 Effective immediately Description: This act aims to improve the living conditions of convicts in jail. DEFINITIONS “Convict” means “a person that has been declared to be guilty of an offense according to federal or Voopmont law”. “Seri...
Voopmont District 19 August 2021 Mainland Economic Development Act Senator Asdia0 Effective immediately Description: This act aims to provide a much-needed economic framework for mainland Voopmont. DEFINITIONS “Primary industry” means an industry that is mainly concerned with the acquisition o...
Voopmont District 19 August 2021 Farmland and Produce Act Governor Chris Effective immediately Description: This program allows for the repurpose of federal land in the Southern regions of Mainland Voopmont in order to be distributed to farmers to help Voopmont be self-sufficient in food produc...
is typing 30-Aug-21 05:59 PM
Voopmont District 26 August 2021 Infrastructure Act Governor Chris Effective immediately Description: This act will look into improving mainly mainland Voopmont’s infrastructure, including the construction of rail lines, metros, highways and airports DEFINITIONS We will be referring to the New ...
Voopmont and Icelesia 28 August 2021 CONSTITUTION OF THE DISTRICT OF VOOPMONT AND ICELESIA SECTION I CITATION This constitution may be cited as the Constitution of the District of Voopmont and Icelesia. SECTION II INTERPRETATION In this Constitution, unless it is otherwise provided o...
is typing 03-Sep-21 01:34 PM
District of Voopmont and Icelesia 2 SEPTEMBER The First Amendment Senator Asdia0 Article III.III shall read as “There shall be no surrender or transfer, either wholly or in part, of the District, unless such a surrender or transfer has been approved by a two-thirds majority in the District Cou...
District of Voopmont and Icelesia 2 SEPTEMBER The Second Amendment Senator Asdia0 Article III.V shall read as “Any Amendment to this Constitution must be passed by District Council with a two-thirds majority.” END OF DOCUMENT
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