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is typing
14-Sep-20 07:56 PM
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SpookVooper #news
17-Sep-20 08:06 AM
@here @Loop has been awarded the Engaging News Media Award for their use of striking, interesting images.
Taz | Coomslayer
17-Sep-20 08:06 AM
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SpookVooper #news
17-Sep-20 08:39 AM
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SpookVooper #news
18-Sep-20 12:29 AM
Hello and welcome to the Sunday Edition, Today we have a very special guest today, with senatorial candidate, TaztheMan.
We start off by talking about his predecessor, senator Wyatt. Taz claimed that Wyatt didn’t do anything in his job, “I never really knew much about Senator Wyatt. As a person, he was good when talking to me. He was active in the server and the community. But, as a Senator, it doesn't appear he did much. From what I can see in the Voopmont server, he didn't make any bills. It appears most of his work wasn't even his. The Governor who holds the role that Wyatt created seems to do most of the work. Governor Comrade Chris of Voopmont appears to always be trying his best in his position, and if elected as Voopmont Senator, I plan on keeping him in that role. He writes bills, leads the council, and is active.” That statement about the previous senator not writing any bills was incorrect, Wyatt wrote many bills, including the Competitive Market Act, the A-RSA, and the We...
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SpookVooper #news
18-Sep-20 12:29 AM
Hello and welcome to SenateNow, a show that summarizes today in the senate, because today was rather uneventful, we’ll take a look at Sunday.
We start the day with Silly, senator of Old Yam, regretting the denial of the The Ministry Monetary Assistance Act, which he claimed, “Was actually a good bill.” Coca agrees, saying that he had no clue why people voted no for it. Silly replies with, “I think everyone just voted no to every wyatt bill without reading them. To be fair he did spam a lot of junk bills.” Coca wondered if those bills could be re-proposed, Silly agrees, but says that another bill, CML, “Might not be salvageable because vooperia is a bunch of ancaps who hyperventilate at the thought of any market regulation.” Then returned to the conversation about flat out ignoring Wyatt’s bills, the PM commented, “I don't remember to be honest, i think it might have been because Wyatt wrote it and i was just going against his stuff.” Silly, then promises that he will rework and re...
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SpookVooper #news
18-Sep-20 12:29 AM
Allegate has been re-elected as Senator in Medievala. He faced no competition during his re-election campaign, and was elected without a vote. He likely plans to continue trying to improve the rights of Melons. He has also stated that he plans to improve SpookVooper....
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SpookVooper #news
18-Sep-20 12:29 AM
The Folk Times had decided to take a break for the next couple of days, after recent burnout due to attempting to write every single day. I'll see you guys soon,
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SpookVooper #news
18-Sep-20 12:30 AM
Important Bulletin
Spike viper has been awarded the COW award for being a faithful friend and Coworker. Let us all thank him for helping me with my important job of giving awards.
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SpookVooper #news
18-Sep-20 12:30 AM
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SpookVooper #news
18-Sep-20 10:03 AM
I’m back! Did you miss me? We’re here with a special edition, where we’ll be talking to VTech CEO Superjacobl, Senator of Voopmont Taz, and an exclusive interview with the emperor himself, Spikeviper! This special edition is brought to you by VTech, with your new found wealth, start investing with VTech Investment Fund, go to
https://stocks.vtech.cf/, and login and then just simply do "/pay amount VTech", replace "amount" with the amount you want to invest. VTIF will then automatically invest this money into the Stock Market.
We see a foreshadowing of the chaos at 10:45, when Spike announces that there will be mass returns of land, giving 25k for each chunk of land they own. This results in over 15 million going into the UBI, giving each vooperian 20k to spend on whatever they please. Thus, what I like to deem, “White Thursday,” begins, causing the value of stocks like VTech, Vooperia National Bank, and Ty and Co, to skyrocket to astronomical heights.
We first spoke to Senator...
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SpookVooper #news
26-Sep-20 10:20 AM
Camera One| Commisions Open#2886
Vooperia Broadcasting Network
Welcome to Vooperia Broadcasting Networks, with your host, camera one.
Today we bring you news of the courts. There is currently a corruption scandal going on through the courts! Although we currently have largely imperfect information we still want to do our best to keep you informed. From our sources a potential of 30 people may be involved, over 2 cases affected, and many jobs in the air. With this going on however, our eternal Emperor, Spike Viper has given us a statement on the situation “There is a lot on the line here, a lot of conflicting information. Someone is going to get hit hard with the Justice system. If Surge is found guilty, he could lose his seat as Prime Minister. If Donia lied, he could be fined heavily for perjury.“. We will do our best to keep you informed as we get further upda- What? Oh! It’s not over folks, supposedly the information brought up by Donia has been proven false and spike has given control of the case back to the Supreme Court, this is also wha...
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SpookVooper #news
26-Sep-20 10:20 AM
This is going to be a quick one, a second part from our article on the economy’s recent growth.
The stocks reached 50k for VNB today, a new record for the stock market, along with other records. We speak to Jacob on the matter, CEO of one of the fastest growing companies, about why this spike is happening now? “This is because of two things. First, VNB bought over 300k worth of VNB a few hours ago, VNB rebought over 1m worth of VNB, next Spike invested 400k into VTIF, and that investment caused everything to rise.”
This quick article is brought to you by VTech! With your new found wealth, start investing with VTech Investment Fund, go to
https://stocks.vtech.cf/, ogin and then just simply do "/pay amount VTech", replace "amount" with the amount you want to invest. VTIF will then automatically invest this money into the Stock Market. If you’d like to support the Folk Times, please consider buying an advertisement for the low low cost of 1500 per article, thanks for reading, see...
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SpookVooper #news
26-Sep-20 10:20 AM
"I generally like this server but I go absolutely nuts in power. One day and I did all this. Imagine a second."
Thank goodness my second term of MOJ isnt like my first amiright? That would be so crazy
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SpookVooper #news
26-Sep-20 10:20 AM
Important Bulletin
@Bistenberg Snovaltikos has been awarded the WAP award for being a Weather Analyzing Person. He also is now the head of the VOAA.
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SpookVooper #news
29-Sep-20 08:11 AM
Important Bulletin
Camera One has won the WTF award for being an excellent Wallet Tracker Finder. This is truly incredible.
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SpookVooper #news
29-Sep-20 08:11 AM
Details aren’t fully out as of yet, but Reports are coming in on what appears to be a Raid by Vooperia State Security on some sort of safehouse in Port Moresby, Voopmont within the last few hours. Reasons for the Raid are unknown at the moment, as a Press Release from the Police Chief of Port Moresby has yet to be made.
Port Moresby is the home of many Icelesians, many who were born in Icelesia and moved to the mainland call the Port city their home. A Major trading hub between the Mainland Section of the District of Voopmont and the Island of Icelesia, the City still retains many connections to Icelesia, culturally and economically. This has led to many ideas now held as radical still persist in the city.
Port Moresby has long been a hotbed of secessionist activity, starting back when the Icelesia Independence movement began. And Despite the Collapse of the Movement, Port Moresby remained a hotbed of this thought, with the idea of Icelesian Independence continuing to circulate....
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SpookVooper #news
29-Sep-20 08:11 AM
The following is a time sensitive direct press release from VNB
VNB Press Release
Vooperia National Bank, SVNews Plus, and VTech are currently undergoing talks for a merger. Such a merger would be the largest in Vooperian history, and boast new jobs and salaries ranging up to ¢100 per hour. The new firm expects to employ up to 25 Vooperians if formed, and will redesign the payment, banking, and media industries with a focus on convenience and features.
SVNT, standing for SpookVooper National Technologies, would hold over ¢15,000,000 in assets and be a giant in the economy. All current shareholders of VNB, SVNP, or VTECH would have their shares converted directly into SVNT shares for convenience and an expected increase in price if you hold SVNP or VTECH. SVNT would sport its own website, discord server, and management team led by a board of SpikeViper, Pope Francis, and Superjacob.
While further details are currently underway, it should be known that SV...
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SpookVooper #news
29-Sep-20 08:11 AM
Breaking News, The Tank has received a Exclusive Press Release from VNB.
```VNB Press Release
Vooperia National Bank, SVNews Plus, and VTech are currently undergoing talks for a merger. Such a merger would be the largest in Vooperian history, and boast new jobs and salaries ranging up to ¢100 per hour. The new firm expects to employ up to 25 Vooperians if formed, and will redesign the payment, banking, and media industries with a focus on convenience and features.
SVNT, standing for SpookVooper National Technologies, would hold over ¢15,000,000 in assets and be a giant in the economy. All current shareholders of VNB, SVNP, or VTECH would have their shares converted directly into SVNT shares for convenience and an expected increase in price if you hold SVNP or VTECH. SVNT would sport its own website, discord server, and management team led by a board of SpikeViper, Pope Francis, and Superjacob.
While further details are currently underway, it should be ...
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SpookVooper #news
01-Oct-20 01:42 AM
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SpookVooper #news
01-Oct-20 02:20 AM
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SpookVooper #news
01-Oct-20 04:36 AM
Ladreii d'nivrii Istovaltii#1330
Vooperian Oceanic and Atmospheric Association
Description: Hurricane Mushroom Devastation Report
Summary: Yesterday, Hurricane Mushroom's remnants dissipated over New Spudland District. The official information has been finally collected, and processed into an Official, Standardized format.
STORM SURGE: 19 Inches
WINDSPEED: 158 Miles/Hour
PRESSURE: 982 Millibars
HAIL SIZE: 0.88-1.00 Nickel
ALTITUDE: Min <1250 Feet
EST. DAMAGE: ~1,000,000 Credits
Assessment: While Hurricane Mushroom caused much damage, preparedness and vigilance saved many lives, and recovery is swift and fast.
-Chairman Lad...
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SpookVooper #news
01-Oct-20 04:43 AM
Important Bulletin:
Luka has been given one strike for a poorly written article that was not properly labeled.
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Deleted User
10-Oct-20 06:42 AM
Vooperian Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency #weather-phenomena
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Deleted User
10-Oct-20 06:42 AM
Vooperian Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency #updates
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Vooperian Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency #updates
10-Oct-20 07:32 AM
Red Flag Warning for Queensland
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Vooperian Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency #updates
10-Oct-20 09:13 AM
Ok. Starting from now on, You can assume that the alerts end if I don't say that they grow or extend. I also probably will add an IRL Hour count
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Deleted User
11-Oct-20 05:14 AM
Vooperian Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency #soft-updates
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Vooperian Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency #soft-updates
11-Oct-20 09:04 AM
apparently an obscene cloud shape over new yam?
Deleted User
11-Oct-20 09:08 AM
oh my god new yam just got a penis cloud
is typing
11-Oct-20 09:08 AM
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Vooperian Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency #updates
12-Oct-20 03:50 AM
Winter Storm Warning Continued for Medievala
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Vooperian Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency #updates
12-Oct-20 03:54 AM
Wind Advisory for New Yam
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Vooperian Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency #updates
13-Oct-20 01:22 AM
Tornado Watch for New Spudland
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Vooperian Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency #updates
13-Oct-20 01:28 AM
Oop. Waterspout E1 Detected off Coast of Landing Cove
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Vooperian Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency #updates
13-Oct-20 01:34 AM
Heat Advisory for Vooperia City
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Vooperian Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency #updates
13-Oct-20 01:36 AM
Seismic Activity deteced.
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Vooperian Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency #updates
13-Oct-20 01:36 AM
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Vooperian Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency #soft-updates
13-Oct-20 01:38 AM
low pressure near servers past?
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Vooperian Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency #soft-updates
13-Oct-20 01:38 AM
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Vooperian Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency #updates
13-Oct-20 01:42 AM
new eyewitness reports, huge amounts of seismic anomaly centred near one site, near New King Penninsula
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SpookVooper #news
15-Oct-20 01:16 AM
Tyco’s Victory in Landing Cove
For the first time in quite a while, Tyco is on the Vooperian Senate! On the 30th of September, he announced his intent to step down as a Supreme Court Justice. The law does not permit Senators to hold positions in the Supreme Court, so this was a necessary step for Tyco. In his announcement, he mentioned that he wanted to do this to better represent his district and more heavily impact Vooperia. Tyco’s first words spoken in the Senate Private chat were “onsms”, “onsms,” and “obama.” SVNP congratulates Tyco on his victory and return to the senate!...
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SpookVooper #news
15-Oct-20 01:16 AM
Terrorist Attacks on Vooperia!
Written by: Allegate
Recently a critical failure of the New Vooperis dam caused mass panic in the district. The original breach of the dam was quickly sealed with several tons of Flex Tape and Flex Seal. The citizens of New Vooperis thought all was well, but only 15 minutes later the dam exploded in a massive blast. Later reports indicate that a small nuclear device was detonated. An estimated 60,000 civilians have been reported dead, with many more still missing.
A few minutes after the first explosion, eyewitness reports confirmed what appeared to be a larger detonation in the heart of Old Yam. Investigations by District Senators and the Vooperian State Security Department indicate that the nuclear weapons were stolen from stockpiles in Old Yam. The blame has been pinned on possible government incompetence or even a traitor in the Old Yam Military Guard. Following these reports, Senator SillyPossibility of Old Yam attempted to shift blame onto th...
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SpookVooper #news
15-Oct-20 01:16 AM
Recently, Coolio was elected as Senator of Voopmont. However, this was controversial. He has left the server on multiple occasions, and has been unreliable according to some. He has also stirred up drama in the New Vooperian Party, and been a wildcard of a Senator. It is mostly unknown what his plans for his term are.
Pug News plans to write pieces on all new Senators to the Vooperian Senate....
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SpookVooper #news
15-Oct-20 01:16 AM
After a long hiatus we are back! And now we're hosting Liberation Weekly while they wait for a press pass.
This article written by SillyPossibility
Recently, Emperor SpikeViper has announced a brand new perk for Patrons, a “vanity SVID”. This means you would be able to customize your SVID to whatever you wanted to. This could be used to make going to your Spookvooper page much easier, but this could also be used anywhere else a SVID would normally be used.
Additionally, the emperor a few hours later announced several more exciting updates that were discussed earlier in the day. These include:
“New Patreon Benefits:
-No inactivity tax
- 10 group limit
Basic income:
- Citizen: ¢20/hr
- Soldier: ¢60/hr
- Loyalist: ¢175/hr
- Hero: ¢350/hr
- Madlad: ¢800/hr
Incoming access to unlisted streams”
Despite concerns brought up by critics that these changes are turning Spookvooper into a pay to win system, these changes are sure to bring in more income to Emperor S...
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SpookVooper #news
15-Oct-20 01:16 AM
Camera One| Commisions Open#2886
Vooperia Broadcasting Network
Welcome to Vooperia Broadcasting Network Incorporated Special Edition, with your host Camera One.
Welcome to today’s edition covering the burger day of a special happy birthday to @Unknown, he is turning AGE today and us at VBN wanted to wish him a happy birthday along with everyone else in Spike Viper. Happy Birthday @Unknown ...
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SpookVooper #news
19-Oct-20 05:34 AM
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SpookVooper #news
20-Oct-20 04:22 AM
The PM campaigning period has begun. The candidates for Prime Minister are Senator Tyco, Senator Pope, Senator Jambon, and Senator Synthion. This is likely to be an election between Senator Tyco, and Senator Pope. Tyco and Pope have been on the attack recently, along with supporters of each candidate making talking points. Senator Pope's campaign has hit at Tyco for not wanting proportional voting, and Senator Tyco's campaign has hit at Pope for not having a completed platform. This is likely to be a close election, and is once again likely going to come down to Senator Danish once again.
It is currently unknown whether a Prime Minister debate is going to occur. However, many are hopeful that it will, and both candidates seem willing....
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SpookVooper #news
20-Oct-20 07:39 AM
This is the daily melon sermon. Where the Melon Pope Unusederas not just speaking to Melons, but all of Vooperia.
Today's Melon Sermon: It's Monday, the first week of the new age. I'd like to remind everyone of our new objectives going forward. We will spread our faith on the basis of love and forgiveness. We will let anyone who wishes to join the religion into our ranks, and we will love them just like I love all of you Melons.
We will strive to have all of the voices in our community be heard, so that is why I am reforming the Melonist hierarchy of powers in the coming weeks. We will not focus on not condemning others, but listening to their opinion. If you believe they are wrong, do not fight them by spamming or the like. What you must do is debate, for it is the only way our voices can be heard. I hope you have had a good day at school, work, or whatever you do on a Monday. And remember, the melon loves you just the way you are.
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SpookVooper #news
21-Oct-20 04:41 AM
Important Bulletin
Do you have a lot of money? Want to spend it on something cool? Purchase a ticket for a live seating at the PM Debate tonight! Regular seating is 5k, but if you want a fancy desk, sign, and whiskey, you can pay 7.5k. Only 8 seats are available, so hurry up! In order to purchase a ticket, just pay the amount to VSPAN and ping me afterwards. All proceeds will go to higher writer wages, for more high quality content. Thanks!
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SpookVooper #news
21-Oct-20 04:41 AM
Here is happy customers who are not prisoners in any way, shape, form, or fashion!
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SpookVooper #news
21-Oct-20 05:33 AM
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SpookVooper #news
21-Oct-20 08:32 AM
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SpookVooper #news
21-Oct-20 09:03 AM
Important Bulletin
The user Thomas has won an award for the most awarding.
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SpookVooper #news
26-Oct-20 06:23 AM
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SpookVooper #news
26-Oct-20 06:23 AM
Senator Pope Francis is now Prime Minister Pope Francis. He managed to beat out Senator Tyco, in order to become Prime Minister. Many, including us here at Pug News expected the election to be closer, however Pope got 9 votes compared to 5 votes for Tyco. The expected swing vote, Senator Danish, ended up voting for Pope. Along with Jambon and Coolio also unexpectedly voting for Pope. The result of this election was great news for some, and bleak news for others. But, only time will tell if Pope will be a good Prime Minister. His Vice Prime Minister pick is expected to be announced soon, so stay in tune for that.
Thank you for reading Pug News....
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SpookVooper #news
26-Oct-20 06:23 AM
Today the Melon Pope returned to Medievala, greeted by massive crowds in a grand ceremony, here’s what reporters on the ground had to say.
“I have to say it was a real treat to see.” Said a reporter on the ground. “The crowd here was really happy to see him, cheering as he left the catamaran.” The Pope arrived in the county of Valcosia, Lanatta, stepping off with ten bodyguards dressed in white, being greeted by the 5 Cardinals, finally on the same ground. The Pope was dressed elegantly, wearing gold and white robes, and a large emerald and gold colored mitre. Pope Unusederas walked through the docks, waving at onlookers scrambling to get a glimpse of the Melon Pope, while he walked towards the grand church where he resides. We even got to speak with the Pope, who was happy to speak with us, “It’s a great feeling to be back, it didn’t feel right to be away from my people, but I’m certainly glad to be back in the Melonland.” We asked about the disdain for Melons in Vooperia, here’s w...
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SpookVooper #news
26-Oct-20 07:13 AM
Important Bulletin:
Unless an article is posted soon, these companies will lose their pass in accordance to my regulation and the new bill.
The Tank
Jam News Network
Vooperia Broadcasting Network
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SpookVooper #news
27-Oct-20 12:18 AM
If you're reading this then you already know some of what will be mentioned in this article, but I want to write it anyway.
Welcome to the Medieval Magazine! This is the first edition of this new magazine. The Medieval Magazine, or MM as I will be calling it for the rest of this article, is a different take on the classic news network. The MM is a magazine based in the Medievala district, and it reports on issues from the perspective of that district. Seeing as Medievala has such a vibrant and distinct culture I felt like this would be a fun thing to do.
The MM will not only report on issues and events in SpookVooper, but it will also get the latest news from the Melon Church and all of the best gossip! Yes, since this is a magazine, we get all the juicy details. Are all of the articles going to be 100% factually correct? No, but that's the point of a magazine!
The MM will also be selling as many ad slots as it can fit in a news text box. Anything can be an ad, even a single...
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SpookVooper #news
29-Oct-20 05:29 AM
AD: "#AllegateForImpeachment" -hellodan#0001 (The Medieval Magazine does not endorse this)
Yesterday at 5pm EST a briefing was held in the Voopmont District. The aim of the briefing was to inform reporters of what was going on in the district, so of course your favorite (definitely not exaggerated) news source will tell you everything!
Senator Coolio began the briefing by discussing preparations for the winter in Voopmont. Voopmont is one of the northernmost districts of Vooperia and so is one of the coldest habitable places on the planet. Senator Coolio informed the Medieval Magazine that many citizens have been dying of the cold, despite many warnings from the VOAA. Citizens were advised to wear warm clothes and stay in their homes if possible. However, the death toll is in the hundreds even with these warnings.
Of course, being one of the coldest districts, Voopmont knows how to have a good time in below-0 temperatures. Senator Coolio has ordered the construction of a mas...
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SpookVooper #news
30-Oct-20 03:44 AM
Allegate #AllegateForMedievala Has been awarded the "actually posts a lot of news" award, while @Luka | Vooperia City Senator has been awarded the "formats his news well" award. So brave.
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SpookVooper #news
30-Oct-20 03:47 AM
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SpookVooper #news
30-Oct-20 03:47 AM
Your live chat wont help me!
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SpookVooper #news
30-Oct-20 04:27 AM
Hello dear readers! We now have a website! Here it is:
This article is not really an article, it's more of an announcement, so don't murder me MoJ man.
Also the website does not have any ads. However, there might be ads available for a larger price exclusively on the website. If this article gets 10 thumbs up I will add prices for website-exclusive ads.
Anyway that's all for this announcement. Check out the website, it took me way too long....
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SpookVooper #news
02-Nov-20 10:08 AM
Hello dear readers! Welcome back to the Medieval Magazine! You may have noticed that there are no ads on this post. That is because it isn't an article! This is a preview! Very fancy, I know.
There are currently 2 major court cases filed against Asdia right now. The MM intends to fully cover both of those cases, but to protect the members of the cases the articles will not be released until they are concluded. Pre-case interview have already been conducted with the 3 key members of the cases, and post-case interviews will also be added. Expect two very large and in-depth articles sometime next week.
On a different note, a special Halloween article will be coming out tomorrow! Featuring anything we can get our hands on, of course. Anyway, get ready for some epic news coming soon! This has been Allegate with the Medieval Magazine....
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SpookVooper #news
02-Nov-20 10:08 AM
Hello Vampires, Ghosts, Ghouls, Zombies, Witches and Wizards, Fairies, or WW1 officers in my case. The Witching hour is upon us, and it is our duty as a community to spread the spookyness! If you don't have a pumpkin in your name, you're doing it wrong!
The Medieval Magazine will be publishing any costume pictures or spooky stories you send us. Think of it as our way of giving back to you readers this Halloween. Speaking of which, the MM will also be hosting a virtual trick-or-treat. For those of you stuck at home in quarantine, or just anyone who generally doesn't go out much, this is for you. From the release of this article to ~6pm PST, anyone who pings Allegate with a spooky emoji will receive 50 credits. (note: only one ping per person).
If you are planning on going trick-or-treating irl, remember to wear a mask and stay safe. Happy Halloween from the Medieval Magazine!...
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SpookVooper #news
08-Nov-20 12:39 PM
Senator Coca from New Yam has been re-elected as Senator. It was looking grim for the Senator from New Yam's re-election efforts as he was trailing behind Squidface by 2 votes, however, Squidface surprisingly conceded the election. At the time, Squidface had 7 votes, and Senator Coca has 5. We have currently not gotten an official statement as to why the likely Senator conceded.
We here at Pug News believe this may have been due to a combination of possibly running as a joke, and outside pressure. Squidface had put out multiple ads showcasing interest in using nukes, and invading the Vooperian Empire. We interpreted that as a joke. Squidface also faced outside pressure for being ahead of the popular Senator, and for having few messages. A combination of these may have led to their conceding of the New Yam election to Senator Coca. However, Squidface has made no official comment at this time (As far as we are aware)....
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SpookVooper #news
10-Nov-20 10:44 AM
This article is sponsored by Trucc Motors Incorporated. Please read this ad, as it helps out the Magazine.
Buy a Trucc Motors, trucc. You get what you pay for, and with a Trucc motors Trucc you get your money’s worth.
-This ad was brought to you by Trucc#9347
"Do you want a booming economy? If so, then vote for New Vooperian Party (NVP) Senators!" -superjacobl#8277
Hello folks and welcome back to the Medieval Magazine! I got a bit sidetracked with the election and completely forgot to write! I definitely wasn't procrastinating, nah. Aaaaanyway here we are, and boy have I got a long article here. There are two court cases, several new elections, and some other things that I was gonna write about but completely forgot what they were. And even then the MM is still the best news network out here.
As promised in the previous article, I am covering both of Asdia's major c...
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SpookVooper #news
10-Nov-20 10:44 AM
At 2:46 pm PST on 11/9/20, Tyco was elected as the 4th Melon Cardinal. Previously there were 3: Allegate, NinjaPig, and Wizard. Tyco was proposed to the position by Cardinal Allegate and approved by Pope Unusederas. A popular vote named Tyco as the new Cardinal. Melons rejoiced at the news.
This has been the Medieval Magazine, giving you a rushed but quick breaking news. This happened while I was writing the other article so... heh anyway thank you for reading!...
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SpookVooper #news
10-Nov-20 10:44 AM
Vooperian Cards is a new company looking to create a card-trading system utilizing Vooperian icons and figures. While the idea may seem simple, this may actually be the first company to produce a product that has intrinsic value. Vooperian card whether they know it or not are creating an object which will have demand, and have a controlled supply. This is a key feature missing from all other Vooperian companies.
If Vooperian Cards manages to create cards that are aesthetically pleasing, usable in some sort of game, or attractive to collectors, we at Vooperian News believe the stock price could rise tenfold. It's the product-selling company we have been waiting all this time for - and it's time for investors to notice the opportunity....
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SpookVooper #news
14-Nov-20 02:53 AM
@Minister of Journalism @
Allegate #SurgeForEMPEROR We are not allowing articles that are posted in this channel to simply be links to other websites.
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SpookVooper #news
14-Nov-20 02:53 AM
All articles should be able to be read within this channel, at least the beginning.
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SpookVooper #news
14-Nov-20 03:37 AM
donia wins Senate Election!
Congratulations to donia on winning the New Vooperis elections! They won with 2 votes to become the new Senator. Please check other news outlets for more details!
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SpookVooper #news
14-Nov-20 03:37 AM
Dear loyal VNN readers, we have managed to get a small glimpse of the first Vooperian Cards trading pack design, they feature a predominantly purple background with the profile picture situated in the middle. The pack in question is based around all the current senators, with each of them getting a tradable card. We managed to aquired this image through one of VC's own employees (who wishes to stay anonymous for obvious reasons). They managed to get us a pre-production sample of one of the cards, however we have only attached part of the card as we were asked to not share much by our source inside VC. The release date of the pack was just confirmed as 15:30 EST on the 10th of November. Stay tuned for more news in the future!
(This was an opinionated article)...
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SpookVooper #news
14-Nov-20 03:37 AM
Vooperian Cards has released their first set of cards, and orders are flying in. VC stock rose to ¢32.50 as of this article, almost triple the price they were at from our last piece on them. The trade seems to be strong, and there are some suggestions we have for the company.
- Make a command to get the card image in chat
- Make the unpacking system on a website with nifty animations
- Make it easier to determine the rarity of a card
However, as it stands, Vooperian Cards are taking off. With the Senator set successful, we can only guess what will come next!...
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SpookVooper #news
14-Nov-20 03:37 AM
The Netherlands Elections have begun!
Elections have begun in The Netherlands! If you are a local, make sure to vote and reapresent yourself in the district's political system. You can vote on the website under the 'Community->Elections' tab. Please check other news sources for more info!
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SpookVooper #news
14-Nov-20 03:37 AM
notdanish Granted a candidacy pass!
The candidate notdanish appears to have been given special access to run in the The Netherlands Senate elections! We expect other stations to report on this development soon. This makes it very likely this candidate will be running in future races.
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SpookVooper #news
14-Nov-20 03:37 AM
bddshad Granted a candidacy pass!
The candidate bddshad appears to have been given special access to run in the The Netherlands Senate elections! We expect other stations to report on this development soon. This makes it very likely this candidate will be running in future races.
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SpookVooper #news
14-Nov-20 03:37 AM
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SpookVooper #news
14-Nov-20 03:37 AM
Hello readers, and welcome to the newest issue of the Medieval Magazine. Today's article will be a tad more serious than others. Anyway, here we go.
The Yam Supremacy party is a well-known party. It has received much hate and only has one known member, Xboy. The leader has advocated for such things as the genocide of all Potatoes and a Yam ethnostate. This has reflected poorly on the Yams as a species and has caused some backlash against that race.
Today it was discovered that the Yam issue was worse than previously thought. A member of the Voopmont district was exposed as the founder of a newly formed movement to counter the Yam Supremacy movement. The Lib Right Anti-Yam Party, or LRAYP, was created by a citizen named "big aot fan#6914" and the members are currently unknown. Government officials deny that there are any other members, but anonymous sources claim the contrary. Rumors have spread that some Voopmontian officials are secretly in the Party. With Voopmont bordering th...
14-Nov-20 05:00 AM
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SpookVooper #news
15-Nov-20 08:47 AM
notdanish wins Senate Election!
Congratulations to notdanish on winning the The Netherlands elections! They won with 1 votes to become the new Senator. Please check other news outlets for more details!
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SpookVooper #news
15-Nov-20 08:47 AM
##### Hello Vooperia and welcome to SVNews Plus, the best place in Vooperia to get your news. Today’s edition is for November 12th and will be reported by me, NotGreen.
# Upcoming Voopmontian Genocide
**Recent events have predicted a possible genocide of the Yam race in the Voopmont District. Voopmont’s Minister of Security founded a party focused on exterminating Yams from Voopmont. This caused a debate between many anti-yam Voopmontians as well as Surge, Coca, and Silly. When they logged off, the Minister of Security deleted his messages and now they have the power to cause a possible Yam holocaust. Surge declared that any attempted genocide will be met with lethal force from the VSS, the Vooperian State Security. Snovaltikosi is suing the entirety of the Voopmontian Government ...
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SpookVooper #news
15-Nov-20 08:48 AM
Interview with Coolio, Senator of Voopmont
Hello Vooperia and welcome to SVNews Plus, the best place in Vooperia to get your news. Today’s edition is for November 12th and will be reported by me, Green.
Join our server to pre-invest in VoopSurance, as it will be one of the most upcoming high-quality premium insurance in Vooperia.
We are currently selling bonds and our insurance will be available very soon, join our Discord server for more updates. https://discord.gg/qSyn6h8zXB
[GREEN]: What do you want the public to know relating to the lawsuits, which many don't know...
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SpookVooper #news
15-Nov-20 08:48 AM
Vooperia City Elections have begun!
Elections have begun in Vooperia City! If you are a local, make sure to vote and reapresent yourself in the district's political system. You can vote on the website under the 'Community->Elections' tab. Please check other news sources for more info!
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SpookVooper #news
15-Nov-20 08:48 AM
Vooperia City Election Scandal article and more available in higher quality on the Medieval Magazine website! Find exclusive images, amazing ads, and a log of every article in case you want to catch up on last week's news. Link: https://allegate1393.wixsite.com/medievalmagazine/post/vooperia-city-election-scandal
Hello readers and welcome to a second serious article. This time we have three topics to cover.
To start, the LRAYP (Lib Right Anti-Yam Party) is back, and with a vengeance. Anonymous sources report that they have possibly doubled or tripled their member count. The Party has also begun to recruit outside of the Voopmont district. LRAYP members have been seen calling for the genocide of all yams in Voopmont. Yam Supremacy Party leader Xboy announced that he would be forming a Yam militia in the New Yam district to counter the LRAYP. Tensions continue to rise, and unless the government steps in this could lead to war.
Tensions are also high in the Senate, as...
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SpookVooper #news
15-Nov-20 08:48 AM
Breaking news about the law being voided is that our emperor "Spike Viper" ALLEGEDLY has temporarily voided the law that makes it illegal for people to post election links outside of the district chat which they're going on in.
We here at "NotPug News" believe that this is due to "LukaPlayz" posting senate election links in DMs to people in his district(Vooperia City), and telling them to vote for him.
We(Me) here at "NotPug News" are grateful to "Thomas Wiltherford" for finally doing his job.
Buy an advertisement here for some money, DM "bddshad#2706" on Discord for a negotiation of advertisement content and price.
English is my second language and i may have grammar mistakes or typos....
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SpookVooper #news
15-Nov-20 08:48 AM
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SpookVooper #news
15-Nov-20 08:48 AM
lukaplayz wins Senate Election!
Congratulations to lukaplayz on winning the Vooperia City elections! They won with 14 votes to become the new Senator. Please check other news outlets for more details!
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SpookVooper #news
16-Nov-20 10:06 AM
"NVP Officials At Odds" article and more available in higher quality on the Medieval Magazine website! Find exclusive images, amazing ads, and a log of every article in case you want to catch up on last week's news. Link: https://allegate1393.wixsite.com/medievalmagazine/post/nvp-officials-at-odds
Hello readers and welcome to our latest article! That's right, fire.png is back! Seriously I need a designer because I have no idea what I'm doing. Anyway let's get started with this article.
Our previous article covered the Luka DM Campaign scandal. Those of you who read it will remember that Luka was going to be sued, but the prosecution backed down. Well that didn't last long, because only a few hours after that article was posted Tyco filed an appeal. Throughout the whole ordeal outsiders felt a sense of panic from NVP members, as Luka and Pope attempted to defend themselves.
Pope blamed the situation on Emperor (and Co-Chair of NVP) Spike Viper. He claimed that Spike had ...
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SpookVooper #news
16-Nov-20 10:06 AM
Today's Melon Sermon: Inclusivity, love, and forgiveness, three things this religion Inclusivity is something very important in this community, for without it we would not have such a large community. We should include everyone in this wonderful religion, even if they don't have the same opinions. Love, because love is what drives every man and woman, or non-binary individual! It is important to love everyone in this community, for they are all loved in the eyes of the Melon God! And finally forgiveness, we all make mistakes, and while we must not forget those mistakes, we can forgive and move on, forming healthy relationships, and a healthy church. This church will accept everyone with open arms, no matter what they think or who they are the melon god loves you...
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SpookVooper #news
16-Nov-20 10:06 AM
Old King Peninsula Elections have begun!
Elections have begun in Old King Peninsula! If you are a local, make sure to vote and reapresent yourself in the district's political system. You can vote on the website under the 'Community->Elections' tab. Please check other news sources for more info!
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SpookVooper #news
18-Nov-20 11:29 AM
Old Yam Elections have begun!
Elections have begun in Old Yam! If you are a local, make sure to vote and represent yourself in the district's political system. You can vote on the website under the 'Community->Elections' tab. Please check other news sources for more info!
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SpookVooper #news
19-Nov-20 02:49 AM
As we know, the MOJ position is coming up for elections with Tom, the prior holder of the spot, retiring. The position is in charge of ensuring quality and fairness within our national broadcast system, and is a cornerstone of a free and fair democracy.
Up for the task are Allegate and SillyPossibility. While both can likely enforce the rules, we believe that considering Allegat's past infractions concerning impartiality and attacks within the news, this job is probably best fit for Silly. In fact, Allegate currently runs one of the most popular magazines in the country - making the MOJ post a conflict of interest.
Because of this, we believe SillyPossibility is likely the fairest choice, but we must let the people decide....
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SpookVooper #news
19-Nov-20 02:50 AM
I mean, retiring doesn't always mean it was your choice.
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SpookVooper #news
19-Nov-20 04:52 AM
Hellodan wins Senate Election!
Congratulations to Hellodan on winning the Old Yam elections! They won with 3 votes to become the new Senator. Please check other news outlets for more details!
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SpookVooper #news
21-Nov-20 05:16 AM
@〥¶〶Ω Ѿ⍎¾〄ƺァ▓
Ϭ (SillyPossibility) is now our MOJ
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SpookVooper #news
22-Nov-20 01:18 AM
San Vooperisco Elections have begun!
Elections have begun in San Vooperisco! If you are a local, make sure to vote and represent yourself in the district's political system. You can vote on the website under the 'Community->Elections' tab. Please check other news sources for more info!
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SpookVooper #news
25-Nov-20 12:10 PM
God Of Chaotic War Femboys#8617
Independent Transparent Media
The VSS was passed at 09-20-2020. Which gives the Vooperian Government the to surveil the Vooperian people without needing a court order, so they can be listening into our phones , reading our texts and emails and much more without us knowing. We need to band together and make the Government need a publicly available court order to watch us.
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SpookVooper #news
25-Nov-20 12:10 PM
God Of Chaotic War Femboys#8617
Independent Transparent Media
On 11/24/2020. Prime Minister Pope Francis is trying to Veto The Term Length Act which would on approval limit terms to 120 days. This is clearly trying to make Vooperia a dictatorship first it no term limit next Freedom Of Press is Removed. But some good News Emperor Spike is trying to find a middle ground so we may have Term Limit Stay tuned for more....
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SpookVooper #news
25-Nov-20 12:21 PM
God Of Chaotic War Femboys#8617
Independent Transparent Media
on 11/24/2020 at 11:16pm est Prime Minster Pope Francis revoked his veto on the Term Length Act. Thats is all for this story....
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SpookVooper #news
25-Nov-20 12:35 PM
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SpookVooper #news
25-Nov-20 12:35 PM
Independent Transparent Media, or ITM for short, has just been award the play by play award "for giving us news updates play by play", said Minister of Journalism SillyPossibility. ...
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SpookVooper #news
25-Nov-20 12:52 PM
God Of Chaotic War Femboys#8617
Independent Transparent Media
Starting when I release this news article I will only create a news story at the end of the day when something important happens....
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SpookVooper #news
26-Nov-20 12:21 AM
Los Vooperis Elections have begun!
Elections have begun in Los Vooperis! If you are a local, make sure to vote and represent yourself in the district's political system. You can vote on the website under the 'Community->Elections' tab. Please check other news sources for more info!
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SpookVooper #news
30-Nov-20 12:49 AM
HonkMachineInvestments wins Senate Election!
Congratulations to HonkMachineInvestments on winning the Corgi elections! They won with 2 votes to become the new Senator. Please check other news outlets for more details!
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SpookVooper #news
30-Nov-20 12:49 AM
Queensland Elections have begun!
Elections have begun in Queensland! If you are a local, make sure to vote and represent yourself in the district's political system. You can vote on the website under the 'Community->Elections' tab. Please check other news sources for more info!
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SpookVooper #news
30-Nov-20 05:58 AM
There has been a Recent Explosion of Graffiti In Vooperia City as of recent. Many, if not most, have some involvement with the Figure called the Marshal.
The Marshal likely refers to the Leader of the Praetorian Guard, Who uses the same Title. His Beliefs and perhaps his Goals are currently known, as seen in the last article. but the methods he is prepared to take to see it through are unknown.
However, this explosion of graffiti is reminiscent of Rebellions of the the Late 20th Century. As people begin to move against the Establishment, People seek new leaders in their fight, and the Youth begins to find graffiti as a source of expression.
Could the Marshal and his Goals been the New Figurehead of the anti-establishment Youth? Could Vooperia City be a Target, Perhaps his Next One?...
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SpookVooper #news
30-Nov-20 09:06 AM
Why is nobody reporting that WE LANDED ON THE MOON
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SpookVooper #news
01-Dec-20 01:25 AM
topc200 wins Senate Election!
Congratulations to topc200 on winning the Queensland elections! They won with 9 votes to become the new Senator. Please check other news outlets for more details!
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SpookVooper #news
03-Dec-20 11:40 PM
SVNews +
Hello there! In upcoming days we will be doing a very first and special article in the history of Vooperia. It will be an interview with the Emperor, Spike Viper. If you want to ask the Emperor few question(s), please DM LukaPlayz#7652 your question(s) immediately.
##### Stay tuned in on SVNP for more info in an upcoming day.
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SpookVooper #news
03-Dec-20 11:40 PM
Today the Minister of Journalism/Supreme Court Justice "SillyPossibility#0498"(who has been playing minecraft for 8 days at the time of this writing) has released a statement saying that they haven't been doing what they planned to do as Minister of Journalism.
They have also requested the senate to vote on whether or not to keep the press pass of "The Vooperian" the Emperor's own news outlet.
Still talking about "SillyPossibility#0498" who has also said that the highest quality news outlet will be paid 5000 credits at the end of every week, and the highest quality journalist will be paid 5000 at the end of every week aswell, AND they have stated that they will pay this out of own pocket as long as they can, but will be setting up an MOJ account that donations can go to.
Now because this news outlet is not the richest any donations will be appreciated, and you can also buy advertisements on the articles.
If you wish to buy an advertisement DM "bddshad#2706" on Discord and ne...
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SpookVooper #news
03-Dec-20 11:40 PM
Comrade Chris#9088
Hello fellow comrades! I hope you had a great day! Today for Vooperia News Network we will be continuing from part I discussing what is considered by some to be the most important election in Medievalan history and an exclusive interview with Allegate. For better context and to know what is going on I suggest reading the first article if you haven’t already.
Today, we will start off by interviewing a person who is arguably much less extremist than Allegate, the current Melon Pope Unesederas. Unesederas is a fellow journalist like myself and was pretty friendly when inviting me to tour the melon church. But according to Allegate, he claims that Unesederas would make Medievala more isolationist whether for good or worse. We would be interviewing Unesederas today discussing this topic along with Melonism itself. Now let us begin the interview.
[Chris]: “Hello, thank you for joining us today!”
[Unusederas]: “Hello”
[Chris]: “Now let’s begin with an obvious question, what’s you...
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SpookVooper #news
03-Dec-20 11:40 PM
# SVNews +
WATCH NOW THE COOLIO'S CORNER EP 1 LIVE ON DEMAND ON YOUTUBE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=av8D3NJeXYo
Here is our opinion based rating from Coolio
Allegate's Platform: 3/10
Allegate's platform was rated a 3 because Allegate was simply incorrect and very vague on his platform.
Unusederas' Platform: 7.5/10
Unusederas' platform was rated a 7.5 because he was able to explain his platform and defend the points he made on it.
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SpookVooper #news
04-Dec-20 12:41 AM
Welcome to the first official MOJ blog post. Today is 12/3 and it's a cool sunny day in Old Yam.
#1 Transparency
So, the MOJ is currently heavily involved in money, and since we are a government agency, I want people to have confidence in lack of corruption. Because of this, I am currently organizing a spreadsheet which includes every news outlet, their employees, how much money is being sent to them weekly, where all income from the MOJ is coming from. While the spreadsheet is currently technically functional, it is very messy. I will be cleaning it up and it will hopefully be ready publicly by the next blog.
#2 Update on VNN
As I said I would, I have appealed the Senate about the VNN situation. Currently there has been no response from any Senators or the Prime Minister, but hopefully it will be voted on in the next session. If not I will probably just keep the status quo, since that seems like the best course of action.
#3 Ratings
I have created an official MOJ news r...
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SpookVooper #news
04-Dec-20 12:43 AM
i wrote that VNN was the official news network of the emperor, it's the vooperian. my bad. anyway you guys should read that article it's VERY IMPORTANT.
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SpookVooper #news
04-Dec-20 11:38 PM
Currently, a rouge terrorist cell led by former Medivala Senator Allegate is currently attempted a coup d'état of Medivala. This comes during the ongoing Medivala election. Currently, both Senate candidates have been escorted to a secure location by the VSS, and the VSS has declared a threat level high in the district. The Pope administration has decided not to declare a state of emergency at this time. The inauguration of whoever wins the election will occur normally, with heightened security, and whoever wins shall assume their position as Senator as normal. We hope to have the situation resolved shortly....
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SpookVooper #news
04-Dec-20 11:38 PM
Civil war is on the horizon! At 10:22PM, Allegate took control of the Melon Militia in Latinia, forcing the Melon Pope to flee to his kingdom of San Melonia.
After Allegate’s involuntary absence from the Medievala Senate election, Allegate was tired of the democratic process, and decided to start a coup in Medievala, against the official adm...
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SpookVooper #news
04-Dec-20 11:38 PM
Comrade Chris#9088
Hello fellow comrades! Breaking News a coup was staged by the melon militia in Medievala! It can be inferred that Allegate is behind all of this as he is in charge in the Elite Melon Militia. Fishing boats with mounted guns allegedly meant for killing whales start bombarding the coast! It now brings to question the legitimacy of the Melon religion, is it a peaceful religious state, covert political party or a radical religious militant group? Allegate has refused to reveal what his true plans are for Medievala, which is incredibly suspicious. There also has been a slight split in the government portion of the melon church, one group supporting Unudeseres and another supporting Allegate. We currently do not know the true motive of this coup and we are waiting to see how it develops. Would this coup be successful and start a new age for Medievala or would it get crushed instantly. We would have to wait and see. In other news, Voopmont has been considering to send in the Doomslayer of Voo...
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SpookVooper #news
05-Dec-20 02:19 AM
Pope Unusederas has declared Medievala temporarily unsafe for melons, and advised them to temporarily evacuate to neighboring New Yam, or San Vooperisco.
“As Pope, I advise the melons who are still in Medievala to evacuate to New Yam or San Vooperisco for the time being, and that once this war is over, we shall return. Oh melon god who is holy, please allow our people to be strong and safely evacuate to better lands. Please o' melon god, allow us to return to the holy land once we do not risk persecution and death.”
In other news, the final kingdoms in Medievala to oppose Allegate’s rule, Logia and San Melonia have capitulated, with martial law being enforced in the two kingdoms. In an announcement made by Allegate, he proclaimed himself Emperor of the Second Latinian Empire, moved the capital of Medievala to New Allegatia, and ordered coastal cities to blackout after dark, in order to hinder Vooperian attempts at a blockade. In other news, casualties are on the rise, with t...
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SpookVooper #news
05-Dec-20 02:19 AM
Allegate is currently illegally occupying the island of Medivala. Currently, the Vooperian government has refused to give any negotation with him and will continue to eliminate the threat.
Currently, the Vooperian Navy under orders of Admiral Possibility and with help of the VSS has managed to secure waters around Medivala. They are currently ensuring that anybody that wishes to leave Medivala for the time being can safely do so, as well as making sure no non-refugee vessles enter or leave the island without order from the admiral. The coast guard of San Vooperisco and Voopmont are currently defending the coasts of all affected districts.
Unusedreas and his supporters are mostly safe, however many have chosen to stay behind and form resistance cells against Allegate, which have proven to be very successful. The Vooperian spaceforce is also jamming and intercepting most communication done by the Allegate led terrorist cell, making organization very difficult for them.
We exp...
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SpookVooper #news
07-Dec-20 08:12 AM
Vooperia has officially declared war on the Second Lanatian Empire to reclaim Aldorria
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SpookVooper #news
07-Dec-20 08:12 AM
The press should probably cover this
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SpookVooper #news
07-Dec-20 12:09 PM
My Fellow Vooperian’s,
Today, after long treacherous hours of Military battles, we have proven victorious. Despite the challenge that faced us, and the tyrant that ruled over Medivala, Vooperian Unity and Vooperian Ideal’s proved superior. We are a democracy, a land of unified and equal peoples. As the Prime Minister, I will never ever let such unvooperian ideals be granted a foothold in our country. I’d like to thank those who scarified the most, military families and members of our armed forces. They made the ultimate sacrifice in service to our nation. Allegate is defeated.
We defeated a tyrant, we proved that Vooperia stands strong against racism and tyranny.
Pope Francis
The 3rd Prime Minister of the Empire of Vooperia
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SpookVooper #news
08-Dec-20 10:14 AM
@everyone can we all
Silly's emergency broadcast
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SpookVooper #news
06-Jan-21 02:46 AM
@D.J.Z. | Gaming4Senate @Make name SFW @Minister Senator pokimane simp Ask group owners to transfer k thnx you should be all set
✠ Red_Kaiser ✠
06-Jan-21 02:49 AM
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SpookVooper #news
06-Jan-21 03:09 AM
# SVNews +
#### Since the beginning of the new year 2021, after 2 days there was a huge catastrophe/natural disaster in the New Yam district region, which had a 7.2 magnitude earthquake, that caused a tsunami to go alongside with it. So we are here to interview the Senator of the New Yam district Coca, to shed the light on this issue.
### Interview with Sen. Coca (NY)
Luka: Hello Coca, Welcome to our SVNP interview.
Coca: Hello! Glad to be here with you.
> Luka: We have some few questions to ask.
> Luka: To start off, do you think the response time for VOAA alerting you and the government officials were swift or slow?
Coca: Well, from what I have seen, the way Snov (VOAA Chairman) alerted me was pretty swift.
> Luka: Next question, Do you feel like something could’ve been done to help ease the situation beforehand much better?**
Coca: For that, we already have isolation bearings and rubber shock absorbents installed in almos...