To whom it may concern:
Mein platform
1. As governor I would plan to you know, get Voopmont an actual economy because apparently Spike said that 90% of Voopmont's economy relies on Icelesia. I plan to build up Voopmont's manufacturing industry and also if this damn Infenus virus is gone, we can actually have tourism, aka I bring disneyland
2. Next, I would bring up Voopmont's farming sector, because apparently Spike said we don't have any food
3. Because why not, I will connect Icelesia and Voopmont with a tunnel, like the channel tunnel, so we won't have to take a ferry all the time
4. Basically I will get rid of the awful position Spike put us in the lore and if things goes well, I will make sure that I bring clean, fresh clean energy to Voopmont and Icelesia, hopefully relying less on Icelesian coal and oil and turn to geothermal power.