Voopmont, officially the District of Voopmont, is a district in north-western SpookVooper. At approximately 10 million square kilometers, Voopmont is the largest district in the Vooperian Empire. Voopmont is also the northernmost district in the Vooperian Empire. Voopmont is bordered to the south by Landing Cove, south-west by New Spudland District, and east by New Yam District. The district's territory is composed of the mainland and Icelesia, an island off the north coast. Seperating Icelesia from the mainland is the Captain Samuel Sea. Voopmont has a population of 250 million. The capital city of Voopmont is Voopelier. Voopelier is also the most populous city in Voopmont.
District of Voopmont | ||
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Country: | Vooperia | |
Planet: | SpookVooper | |
Capital: | Voopelier | |
Largest city: | Voopelier | |
Senator: | Asdia0 | |
Governor of Voopmont: | Comrade Chris | |
Governor of Icelesia: | EstChicago | |
Legislative Branch: | The People's Council | |
Judge: | Red Kaiser | |
Area: | 10,000,000 km2 | |
Highest elevation: | Mount Hesche (1838 metres) | |
Lowest elevation: | Sky Island (0.2 metres) | |
Population: | 250 million | |
Demonym: | Voopmontian | |
Official Language: | English | |
Time zones: | GST-5 to -9 | |
District code: | VM |
In her early years, Voopmont consisted of multiple villages along its beaches, each dependent on fishing for economic survival. Pirates frequently plagued the strait between mainland Voopmont and Icelesia, disrupting the locals' lives. This strait was later named after Captain Samuel, a notorious pirate known for his success on the high seas. Eventually, however, government forces tackled the pirates, and travel to Icelesia was safe. This allowed for the exploration of Icelesia. Led by Norman Hudson, the three missions there were successful, with huge deposits of crystallite found on the east coast of Icelesia. Settlements quickly formed on Icelesia, with many wanting to capitalise on the crystallite there. The crystallite deposits were later seized by the local government, but most settlers remained on the island.
In recent years, Voopmont has gone through a tumultuous political struggle. Every senator has served only one consecutive term, starting with the senatorship of Syntholion. Voopmont is currently facing the Independent Icelesia Movement.
Voopmont is a democratic district republic. The Constitution of Voopmont is the supreme law of the district. The Constitution of Vooperia is still adhered to. It establishes the structure and responsibilities of the district government. The senator is the overseer of the entire district, and is elected by the people every month. Governors are also elected right after the senate elections. There are two governors in Voopmont: the governor of Voopmont and the governor of Icelesia. Each governor is responsible for overseeing their respective regions. The current senator is Asdia0. The current governor of Voopmont and Icelesia is ComradeChris and EstChicago, respectively.
The People's Council is comprised of all Voopmontians. Members of the council are allowed to propose bills, policies and amendments to district law. Voting is not compulsory. Bills and polciies require a simple majority to pass, while amendments require a two-thirds majority to pass.
The judicial branch of Voopmont is led by the District Judge. The district judge is responsible for deciding cases filed in Voopmont in the imperial court. The current judge is Red Kaiser.
There are 27 administrative divisions in Voopmont: 21 in the mainland, 6 in Icelesia.
In Voopmont, elections are held digitally, though citizens may head to their community centers to vote with pen and paper. All elections last 24 hours. There are three options: FOR, ABSTAIN and AGAINST.
Voopmont enjoys good relations with other districts. However, relations with Medievala have strained over their involvement in the Independent Icelesia Movement. This has resulted in the barring of Medievala's senator and his family from Voopmont.
Voopmont does not have a large military and is instead backed by the Federal Government. Voopmont also has the Doomslayer, which will protect the district from any hostile forces. The current Doomslayer is TheTazMann.
The Voopmontian Police Force is the agency that enforces the law in the district. Local police stations are responsible for protecting and detaining criminals under their jurisdiction.
Voopmont has a low incarceration rate, with only a few hundred convicts currently in jail. Most convicts are in open jails, and are provided the opportunity to learn valuable skills during their time there.
Capital punishment is illegal in Voopmont.
Voopmont consists of mainland Voopmont, and 39 islands, the largest of which is Icelesia. In total, Voopmont occupies 10 million square kilometers of land, making her the largest district in the nation.
Voopmont's shores are mostly comprised of gravel beaches. Voopmont is surrounded by the Spudonic mountains to the east. Apart from a massive forest in the middle, Voopmont is fairly sparse. Voopmont's only natural resources are timber and crystallite.
Voopmont is home to a multitude of fauna and flora. The Voopmontian Environmental Agency (VEA) has compiled a list of all species that can be found in Voopmont.
Due to little development in Voopmont, there is not much of a disturbance to the local ecosystem. However, many parts of Voopmont are marked as nature reserves and protected by the VEA. In total, there are 3 nature reserves in Voopmont, with a total area of 30 million square kilometers.
Voopmont experiences four seasons throughout the year. Each season lasts three months. Spring lasts from March to May, summer lasts from June to August, autumn lasts from September to November, and winter lasts from December to February. The coldest temperature ever recorded in Voopmont is -93.4°C, while the warmest temperature recorded in Voopmont is 38.8°C.
During the winter, Voopmont frequently experiences blizzards. While these blizzards are usually not serious, some may cause landslides and avalanches, causing severe damage to the district.
The economy of Voopmont is heavily reliant on the Icelesian crystallite trade. Voopmont's timber industry also contributes to a significant portion of the district's economy. Tourism is also one of the biggest sectors in the Voopmontian economy, as Voopmont is a population tourist destination for Vooperians.
Among the fifteen districts of Vooperia, Voopmont ranks lowly in terms of GDP per capita. However, when ranked in terms of total wealth, Voopmont fares much better, indicating that richer people tend to live in Voopmont more.
The current unemployment rate in Voopmont is approximately 6%. Most workers are involved in the three main sectors of the Voopmontian economy: crystallite mining, timber, and tourism.